Tuesday 23 April 2013

Bee Block April

I finally finished the block for the Modern Irish Bee. Unfortunately I could only make one block and not more with the fabrics I got. It was hard to find the right angle at the first time but after it was straight forward and at the end it was fun

Friday 12 April 2013

Q2 FAL 2013

Es wird Zeit sich um die noch immer herumliegenden UFOs zu kümmern, die endlich einmal weg müssen. Was für eine tolle Gelegenheit dabei auch noch von so tollen Bloggerinnen motiviert zu werden. Damit beginne ich meine Liste für die nächsten drei Monate des Finish A Long 2013.
It is time to talk about the UFOs around here and time to start finishing them. The last quarter was not so bad but there are still some lovelies which want to leave the house. So it is time for Q2 Finish A Long 2013 and this is my short list

- Quilt for a friend
it should be finished at the summer so I can bring it with me
- Stash Bee Quilt
I already have everything planed so just need to wait for the white fabric to arrive
- Make something out of these blocks
the right one should have been Rhondas UFO
- finish my gloves for next year
just need to find the pattern .. in which notebook is it hiding!!!
- make a pillow out of these grannies
I got them from a friend and it is time to finish this pillow

Not many UFOs on the list but I think these are enough. The weather is going to be nicer (oh yes, I am still dreaming) and there should be much more time outside. There are always some more things to be done and I have two huge plans coming up I want to realize  so there is still much more to be done!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

I started FMQ

Es ist zwar schon ein paar Wochen her, aber damals habe ich mir einen Quiltingfuss für die Nähmaschine gekauft. Lange ist er nun brav neben der Maschine gelegen und nachdem ich heute endlich nach den Ferien wieder zum Nähen gekommen bin, hab ich ihn kurzerhand ausprobiert. Also einfach den letzten Block aus dem Irish Chain Quilt - es scheint ich habe mich damals verzählt - zu eine Sandwich verarbeitet und los gings. Uih das hat Spaß gemacht!
It was some weeks ago that I ordered a quilting foot for my sewing machine and it was next to me for ages. Today I was in the mood for sewing again and I just wanted to give it a try. So what do you say? Not so bad for the first time. Oh it was so much fun and a big challenge to get the right speed. 

Es ist nicht wirklich ein Muster. Ich habe einfach mal probiert, wie sich der Stoff unter der Maschine bewegen läßt, wie man rückwärts näht, ... also mal einen groben Versuch gestartet. Ich fand das dann gar nicht so schlecht, bis ich das Fleckerl umgedreht habe ...
I did not try to make a pattern and was just sewing as it went. I was quite happy when I looked at it at the end ... until I turned it over!

Tja, da ist wohl was verrutscht. Nachdem aber noch eine andere Baustelle am Tisch lag, hab ich das kurzerhand zur Seite gelegt und ich werde es bei Zeiten mal auftrennen und die Ecke neu verquilten. Aber lustig war es und ich versuch es sicher nochmal!

Ok, it was a nice try and maybe I will rip the seam an other day but as actually I was working on an other blocks and just needed a little distraction I left this for today. It was lots of fun and I am sure I will try it again.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Easter and a Frog

Ja ich weiss! Ostern war schon am letzten Wochenende, aber ich moechte doch noch schnell zeigen, dass wir hier wieder kulinarisch in good old Austria gelandet sind. Zu unserem Osterfest gehoert wie jedes Jahr der Reindling (bei uns mit Zimpt/Rosinen/Zucker) und die Pinze, gefaerbte hardgekochte Eier (irgendwie sieht man bei den irischen braunen Eier nicht viel Unterschied in der Farbe), gekochter Schinken und ich wurde auch in diesem Jahr wieder fuendig: Steirischer Kren!!!
Yes I know! Easter was last weekend but I wanted to show you some food we did for Easter this year again. As every year we baked the so called Reindling (in our case with raisins/cinnamon/sugar) and Pinze, colored cooked eggs (they some how all look the same with these brown Irish eggs), cooked ham and I a so happy: I found styrian horseradish again! And it was hot!

Natuerlich gab es auch noch ganz viel Schokolade in Form von Hasen, Huehnern und die von den Kindern so heiss geliebten Creme eggs! Ich mag nur die mit Caramelfuellung - yummy!
Of course the kids got lots of chocolate as well. Rabbits, chickens and creme eggs. Oh they love them so much. I just like the caramel ones and we also had lots of them.

Zu guter letzte hat mein kleines Maeuschen endlich ihren Frosch erhalten. Weil sie als Baby immer so suess auf dem Bauch gelegen ist und die Beine seitlich angezogen hat, wurde sie schnell zu meinem Frosch (keine Sorge! es gibt hier auch noch Kaefer und Schnecke!). Schon vor laengerer Zeit habe ich bei Grittli daher mit ihr gemeinsam einen Froschkoenig bestellt, um sie ein wenig fuer die Schule zu motivieren. Am letzten Schultag hat ihre Lehrerin mir mitgeteilt, dass sie alle Fragen super beantwortet hatte und sehr fleissig war. Ja wenn das so ist, dann bekommt sie auch endlich ihren Frosch! Liebsten Dank Grilltli! Sie liebt ihn heiss <3 p="">Last but not least my little girl finally got the frog I ordered a long time ago at Grittli. She was really lucky. She got her quilt and also a little lovely frog. When she was a little tiny baby she loved to sleep on her belly with the legs out on the sides. She looked like a little frog. So when she did not really work in school and was stubborn I offered her a frog as motivation. When the teacher tells me she did her work good she will get a frog from Grittli. So on the last day of school the teacher told me she did fantastic and she knew all the words. So after a long time waiting and asking for the frog now she got it. Isn't this one cute? Thank you so much! She really loves it!
Oh I wished someone in Ireland knows how to work with glass and makes workshops. I would love to give it a try!

Ich hoffe, ihr hattet auch alle ein schoenes Osterfest!
I hope you all had a great Easter!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Q1 Finish A Long 2013 ...

Oh no! Es fuehlt sich gerade an, als waere die Zeit abgelaufen und ich habe nicht geschafft, was ich mir vorgenommen hab. Tja, der Enthusiasmus am Anfang des Jahres war wohl ein bisschen zu gross und so wird die Liste fuer Q1 vom Finish A Long2013 wohl gleich fuer das zweite Quartal uebernommen werden.

Na gut, dann mal los! Das war die Liste am Beginn des Jahres und nun heisst es Farbe bekennen....

Oh no! I feel like nothing has been done and time had run out. It is April and time to sum the first quart of the year with the Finish A Long 2013.  
Ok, so lets face the list and check what was done ...

1.) Finish the quilt for my little one - DONE
I am soooo happy! I can not stop smiling! It is done and she loves it. She does not go to bed without her quilt!!!

2.) make the other mitten - FAIL
I did not even start. Looks like the winter was not cold enough for knitting

3.) Finish the quilt for a friend - FAIL
I made some more blocks but I only have half done. So this will go on to the next quater

4.) my Stash Bee Quilt - FAIL
It still looks the same. I only took it out once to have a look a the size and if I want to add some more blocks. Not much?!

5.) finish the gloves - FAIL
I started to hate them! Really! The more I knitted the less I did not like them. Maybe I will try them next year again but they just did not feel right so I undid the knitting ...

6.) Finish the kindle cover - DONE
I did finish the kindle cover and it works fine. I love the pockets inside to put the ear phones and the charging cable in.

So that's it! 2 out of 6 done. There were some other things that have been done the last months as Bee blocks and table runner/mini quilts and just fun things! So it was just a slow quarter snuggling on the sofa! Time for spring to appear!