Sunday, 5 October 2014

Finish-A-Long Q3

Is it already time? Oh no, it is!

Finish Along 2014

I knew there will not be a lot of time for sewing as in summer we head back home and the sewing machine gets a good rest. So the list was not really long but it looks like it was still to long. You might see some of them again on the next list.

1.) Challenge on the Lazy Bums - Not touched

my girl took it out the last time and was asking why it is not finished
2.) Nordica - Not touched
think I will change the idea and looking forward to finish it
3.) Hexagonquilt - moved but not finished
ready to cut the background as soon as the cutter is back from his vacation
4.) Big Stitching Swap - DONE and blogged
it was a challenge finish something only hand sewing but I did it

5.) Triangle Wall hanging - Trashed
I put three rows together and hated it so I just trashed it

One finished project is better than nothing and getting rid of an other was a good decision! Sometimes ideas do not work out and it is ok to use the bin.

I have plans for the next list and as the items have a purpose I am sure there will be some finishes. So looking forward to a successful last quarter in 2014.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I had an epic fail this qtr - zero! Not even going to post an update - moving right along!

  2. Well you matched my achievement ;o) Congrats on the finish!
