Thursday, 5 February 2015

Sewing for the boy

My son has come to an age where it is hard to find clothes that are cool but not babyish. He had a hard time finind one hoody he likes but otherwise our search to fill the cupboard is usually without success. So the next step is to make them myself. We found a pattern and were eager to start until we realised: there is no place to get farbics! I always thought that is unique to quilting fabrics but that was not true! I love to touch the fabric I buy especially on clothes but we had to order again. I only ordered a "trialfabric" as there are so many different discriptions out there that I got totally confused.

The good thing about that shop is, you can order samples (what I did) and I have to say they are fast! So my morning was blocked with printing pattern, glue the pages together and after cut them again. At lunchtime I was ready to trace the pattern on the fabric and could start sewing. The pattern was straight forward - except: I am not that into cloth sewing so if you want me to make two sides of one template please tell me to flip the it!

So I had to cut the hoody twice ;( Anyway I made it almost through before the rugby training and finished the last three seams after. Just in time before he had to go to bed to have a go! He loves it!!!! And what about me? There are several things I am not happy with: the fabric is to thin, the hoody makes waves, the pocket shows the inside fabric, ... oh I could keep going!

On the other hand he is happy with it and wears it every day! But this is exactly what I wanted isn't it? So I have to forget about the little mistakes and be happy too! His sister already asked for one too so I might go big shopping to make at least one more.


  1. as long as he's happy with it enjoy it ! This will not be the last one you make. So you can take the lessons learned into the next clothes-sewing-project.

  2. tja, das sind die risiken beim online-shopping... aber: mit der zeit weißt du, wo du guten stoff herkriegst (mann, das klingt ja... ;-)... und vorerst: toll, dass es ihm so gut gefällt. selbstgemachte kleidungsstücke, die so gern und oft getragen werden, sind wohl das größte lob!
    lg aus wien, kathrin
