Monday, 17 March 2014

Hello Cherry

I hardly can resist when one of my girls ask me to make something. Not long ago Sandra was so kind and sent me the "Love Patchwork and Quilting" magazine which was unavailable here. I was delighted when she offered me the extra copy she got. The girls did not want to make the dear from issue two but the little one fell in love with the teddy bear from issue five. How hard can it bee to make a bear? Terrible hard! The easiest part was to chose the fabrics. Pink with cherries and flowers. This could look quite cute.

I traced the templates to freezer paper and my little helper was eager to cut them out. I read the cutting instrutions carefully and ironed all templates for Fabric A to Fabric A. Ok, and now? Using 5 mm seam allowance means what? Do you want me to cut along the template or make it 5 mm bigger? After a short research on IG we cut along the template. First step was to assemble the ears. Easy peasy! Moving on to step 7: Making the face. No, that does not work. I am not sure if I might have misses it but there are some templates that need to me mirrored. To assemble the face we needed one right side and one left side. So to make the face you need one "Side Face" and one "Side Face mirrored". So back to cutting and going on to the next step. If I thought now that I can go straight forward and the bear is done in no time ... no way! Of course this mirroring has to be done to all the parts for the right side. Sorry, but that drives me mad! I hate cutting fabric for nothing. It was a nightmare to find out which templates had to be redone.
Anyway somehow we made it to the stuffing part and my little helper was eager to do this herself. She was very carefully not to "make the belly explode like mummies".

In the evening she was a proud Mama to Cherry! She did not let me stitch the nose nor was I allowed to draw a nose. She is happy with her little bear. It is just me that freaks out every time I look at it.

the right arm goes in the wrong direction ... grrrrrrrrr
After making some pets for the kids I think I know the basics how to make stuffed softies. I am able to read a pattern and to assemble the parts but the necessary hints make this much easier. Instructions like "sew together the front" with no sign where the front should be is just annoying. It is very time consuming if you have to turn each part and find out what the instruction means. The next time I might say no to the girls and have a look around in blogland if anyone has a nice tutorial ...

Linking up with MM


  1. So lovely. I know exactly what you mean. I have the Same Problems sometimes with bag pattern... Well done!!!

  2. Herrlich... :-) Ich kann Dich so gut verstehen, ich "liebe" solche Anleitungen auch! An einer Teddy-Anleitung bin ich auch mal grandios gescheitert und das war's dann... Aber wenn Deine Tochter mit dem neuen Bären glücklich ist, dann wirst Du wohl zähneknirschend über verdrehte Arme und so hinwegsehen müssen :-) Ich drück' Dir die Daumen, dass Du für's nächste Mal eine bessere Anleitung findest!

  3. well, as long as the daughter is happy! what is a nose between friends?

  4. So sweet. Good that I don't have the pattern, it would go on my list...

  5. Oh no! It shouldn't be so hard! I think it's lovely you're sewing with your girls and they're taking an interest - even if they do make snide remarks about your waist line! Little cheeky monkeys!

  6. Oh gosh, this does not sound fun at all.
